Chambers County Improvement District #2
Houston, Texas
Ameriport Parkway serves as the major entranceway to the 723-acre Ameriport commercial/industrial development complex. Located east of Baytown, and in close proximity to the Port of Houston, this master-planned business park provides opportunities for warehouse/distribution, rail terminal, and trans-loading facilities.
Extension of the Ameriport Parkway is designed to provide direct access to developing properties within the business complex. The alignment of the roadway crosses a major pipeline corridor as well as a rail spur line. Coordination of the design requires close coordination and complex approval processes with the major pipeline companies having interests within the corridor. Further, project construction challenges while ensuring the active rail spur is not disrupted are being met through active project management.
Transport Drive is a collector street within the Ameriport business complex that intersects with Ameriport Parkway. The extension of this roadway will provide direct access to developing properties within the complex. Coordination with the Coastal Water Authority is providing opportunities for additional access points so that the authority can better maintain its facility. The design of the roadway is prepared to accommodate a future rail spur that will provide additional rail service to the development properties.
These two roadways are an integral part of the infrastructure required for the successful development of the Ameriport Business Park, providing much-needed transportation access to the developments. WGA continues to serve as the MUD engineer to Chambers County Improvement District #2 as well as the consultant engineer to National Property Holdings and Ameriport.