Infrastructure Excellence: Transportation and Roadway Services

At WGA, we have always maintained a commitment to the delivery of excellence in infrastructure solutions. We recognize the pivotal role that efficient transportation systems and meticulously planned road networks play in shaping today’s environment. We are excited to share more about our Transportation and Roadway Services, a dynamic addition set to transform our project approach across the board.

The Significance of Transportation and Roadway Services

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the success of infrastructure projects hinges on the seamless integrating of various elements, such as optimized logistics, enhanced accessibility and uninterrupted connectivity. Our Transportation and Roadway Department has been crafted to not only complement but also augment the impact of our existing offerings. By incorporating these services, you gain access to a comprehensive array of resources that will ensure the delivery of your projects with excellence. Our commitment to safety and efficiency is exemplified in our expertly crafted Traffic Control Plans, which not only facilitate smooth traffic flow but also ensure the safety of construction sites. In line with our dedication to environmental stewardship, our Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans play a pivotal role in keeping waterways clean and protecting against pollution. Thoroughfare Planning is a key component of our service portfolio, where we improve road designs and analyze traffic patterns. Beyond these services, we offer a diverse range of solutions from in-depth Route Studies and Road Design to Constructability Review and Bikeway Design, providing a variety of offerings tailored to your project’s specific needs.

Unlocking Opportunities for Your Project

We are pleased to introduce Jacob Berger, WGA’s Department Manager of Transportation, bringing in a wealth of experience encompassing 3D modeling, roadway design, signing and pavement markings, roadway reconstruction, and traffic control. We take pride in highlighting our team’s possession of invaluable TxDOT certifications, reaffirming our steadfast commitment to industry standards and regulations. These certifications stand as a testament to our expertise, underscoring our readiness to undertake transportation and infrastructure in the state of Texas.

“WGA’s approach to roadway design is coupled with planning for the future, designing for better mobility and holding safety paramount,” stated Jacob Berger, Department Manager of Transportation. “Our roadway design process consists of detailed knowledge of the societal needs, implementing innovative and cost-effective solutions while maintaining open and effective communication throughout the process.”

Tailored Solutions for Your Unique Needs

Our services have been tailored to cater to the distinct requirements of projects. Our commitment to excellence extends throughout every phase, from initial conceptualization to successful implementation.

At WGA, we believe that infrastructure excellence is achieved through unwavering commitment to innovation, collaborative endeavors, and dedication to delivering the most optimal solutions for our clients. Our Transportation and Roadway Services serve as a resounding testament of our loyalty to these principles.

To access a comprehensive listing of our TxDOT certifications, click here: WGA Transportation and Roadway Services
