WGA Promotions
With a firm-wide plan of growth and expansion, WGA recently promoted four key Project Managers to the role of Associate. Please join us in celebrating their commitment to the firm, drive for success, and passion to take on this new challenge.

Michael Montelongo, PE
Michael Montelongo joined the WGA team upon his graduation from Texas A&M University in 2011. He has worked on a variety of projects including mixed-use, retail, office, industrial, and the BBVA Compass sports stadium.
Mike was an obvious and unanimous choice for promotion to Associate. With his unique mix of sharp technical expertise and likable leadership qualities, Mike has expertly managed a number of WGA’s high-profile and award-winning mixed-use projects. His exceptional project and client management skills have earned him a reputation inside the office and among the entire AEC community of being a trustworthy and level-headed project manager that people want to work with.

Tyler Munson, PE
Fresh out of Texas A&M University in 2011 with a degree in Civil Engineering, Tyler Munson joined WGA and quickly proved to be an asset to the growing firm. Tyler’s strong leadership skills, his commitment to the constant delivery of quality engineering, as well as his impeccable work ethic, earned him a promotion to Associate.
Tyler currently manages a number of projects at WGA and assists clients with multiple types of developments such as single- and multi-family residential, retail, office and industrial projects. He is a strong leader in his office and emphasizes the importance of extreme attention to quality as well as providing extraordinary customer service. Because of these core values and his commitment to excellence, Tyler has been instrumental in helping WGA to grow and compete with top firms in the area.

Tyler Ray, PE
Tyler Ray joined WGA in 2012 as a project engineer and quickly proved to be capable of managing some of WGA’s best clients and larger projects. He has extensive, hands-on project management and engineering design experience and focuses on multi-family and industrial developments. With his excellent communication and active project management philosophy, Tyler is able to understand the project needs as directed by the client and efficiently manage the team and daily production operations.
Tyler’s promotion to Associate is reflective of his tenacity and his passion for taking on new challenges. He manages projects with a broad range of technical skills, personal effectiveness and leadership acuity. A mentor for many young engineers in the office, Tyler is rarely found at his desk, but rather at a common area poring over plan sets with team members. His experience includes hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, extensive governing agencies coordination, as well as permitting and permit expediting for various residential and commercial projects within Houston and surrounding counties.

Mirna I. Ruiz
Mirna Ruiz joined WGA as a project manager in a key role of developing the firm’s reach into the Houston market. Because of her business acumen and leadership skills, she was promoted to an Associate after only one year with the firm.
Mirna has a distinctive career focused on developing solid engineering solutions for her clients and more than 13 years of hands-on experience. Her extensive project management background has focused on: Utility Design, Drainage Systems, Detention and Mitigation Design, Cut-Fill Calculations, 3D Modeling, Site Plan Layout, Government Agency Coordination and Approvals for Commercial, Industrial, Multi-Family, Medical, Residential, Funerary, Religious and Private School projects. Additionally, Mirna is an active member of many industry organizations, including theCommercial Real Estate Women (CREW) Network and the Commercial Real Estate Development Association (NAIOP), serving on the Development and Construction Committee and the Developing Leader Mentor Program.
Mirna is an effective, dynamic and highly motivated project manager. Her relentless drive to deliver a personal and extraordinary customer service experience to her clients has been a huge factor in her career success.